About the JD800Center ________ Tech Specifications ________ JD Manuals ________ Software and Patches ________Best JD Links ________Factory Sound Demos

Updates: Many topics are permanent, so may be updated to any material, for add or correct info.
Get more info: Since the beginning this site tryes to be a compilation center of the best sources for the JD800. Not a copy.
So please, visit the sites at the Links section for lots of much more very good information.
Mostrando postagens com marcador JD990. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador JD990. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2020

Roland JD800 SL-JD80-04 Strings Ensemble Sound Card preset patches

Wow!  This the Strings Card!

The white head fly.

Sensational demos of the most famous Card of all for the JD-800 and JD-990.

The unanimous opinion is that you have a new synth with this card.

Our colleague Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan made a series of fantastic videos about all JD cards, highly recommended and great quality material.

I posted all his videos here. 

Here, the two videos showing why the Card Strings is something everyone wants very much.

Card: Roland JD800 SL-JD80-04 Strings Ensemble Sound Card preset.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks to Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan.


Sound demo! Roland JD800 SL-JD80-07 Guitar Collection preset patches

The Guitar Collection card patches!

Our colleague Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan made a series of fantastic videos about all JD cards, highly recommended and great quality material.

I posted all his videos here.


All this cards have a lot of patches really interesting. 

Card: Roland JD800 SL-JD80-07 Guitar Collection.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks to Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan.


terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2020

Sound demo! Roland JD800 SL-JD80-06 Grand Piano preset patches

The Mystic JD-800 piano cards!

Our colleague Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan made a series of fantastic videos about all JD cards, highly recommended and great quality material.

I posted all his videos here. 


Is not every day we find good demos, and this one is a very nice one. 

Here, you find the famous JD-800 pianos and a lot more. Fantastic sounds!

Card: Roland JD800 SL-JD80-06 Grand Piano.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks to Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan.


quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2016

JD-800 and JD-990 DAC Calibration

This is my JD-800. The DAC board is at left.

JD-800 and JD-990 DAC Calibration

Calibration for the JDs Digital to Analog Converters (DAC).

Just to remember, the DAC is that circuit where the digital signal is converted to analog. This is a very important part of the JD, because the quality of the result it does.

From Analog.com:
In principle, you give a digital input to a DAC and it provides an accurate output voltage. In reality, the accuracy of the output voltage is subject to gain and offset errors from the DAC and other components in the signal chain. The system designer must compensate for these errors in order to get an accurate output voltage. This can be implemented with external components and post-manufacture trimming. Digital calibration modifies the input sent to the DAC such that the gain and offset errors are taken into account thus removing the need for external components and trimming.

Thanks to Don Solaris, a JD-Master for posting this at his site. Click the links to be redirected.

If you already does not have the JD Service Manual get it here: JD Manuals.

Note: Please, if the links does not work, notify me at comments to update it. 


quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2015

Using the JD-800 as a Programmer for the JD-990

What a shame! I found I already had posted something so here.
Please people, I'm really short on time, ask me to see where I saw more material like this.

The JD-800 can control most of JD-990 parameters. 

This comes from the Sweetwater.com Using the JD-800 as a Programmer for the JD-990

The JD-800 sliders can be set to send MIDI messages that can be recorded into
your sequencer.
When adjusting a selected parameter such as cutoff, resonance, panning, etc., the JD-800 transmits a series of system exclusive messages.

Use the following procedure to enable the Transmit Edit function:

On the JD-800:
  1. Press MIDI.
  2. Use the CURSOR UP/DOWN buttons to select “TX Edit Data.”
  3. Press the INC (increment) button to turn this parameter ON.

On the JD-990:
  1. Press SYSTEM SETUP so it is lit.
  2. CURSOR to “RX Exclusive” and use the VALUE dial to select ON-2.
  3. Press SYSTEM SETUP to return to the previous screen.

NOTE: You will need to enable this transmit function each time you turn the JD-800 on.


quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

Roland JD-800 JD-990 VST Patch Editor VST for CTRLR

JD-VST Patch Editor

(updated at november, 16, 2014)

Good news to the Roland JD-800 and JD-990 worldwide users!

Christian Morency just released a beta version of a VST Patch Editor for the Roland JDs. 

This is a dedicated panel for the CTRLR software. This could allow you to visually modify your patch and control your JDs from your DAW.

You can read more about and download at the CTRLR forum: http://ctrlr.org/forums/search/JD-vst/  

If you download CTRLR from the website, please use the Stable version

As a Beta Version the software still have some bugs.

And also, there's a great topic at  Gearslutz: JD800 / 990 VST editor

The page include links to download.

Few notes:
You need to free your computer midi ports on which the JD is connected for CTRLR and assign them to CTRLR in the global settings. Download the panel (it's currently at the bottom of the device database). Once open from CTRLR, right-click on the panel and assign the midi device to the panel.

Download link:http://ctrlr.org/panels_deprecated/

Youtube tutorials:

JD-VST Tutorial 1:

JD-VST Tutorial 2:

JD-VST Tutorial 3:

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010

Software and Patches for the JD-800 and JD-990

There are very good professional software supporting  the Roland JD-800 and JD-990, but if you want a non-pay choice, these are the best.

The JD-800 Patch Organizer created by Laurent Lecatelier-Dudec (France), was released as freeware in 24/04/1999 (date in original author´s site) and is no more available from the programmer´s site.

In more recent years, Gwydion Elderwin (Australia) created a JD-800 Randon Bank Creator and a Jd-800 to JD-990 Bank Converter.

About the patch banks here.

The first I found many years ago, was compiled by Stephen Drake, the guy who kept most of JD material available for years. This site is proud to pay him our tribute. Thanks Stephen!
The first internet banks are so-so grouped, thus makes some sense.

Gwydion also have done a strong work removing duplicates from hundreds of patches, adding lots more and creating a library for each synth. Still is missing time to classify all that stuff into categories.

Missing all you my friends, I know business and daily life take time, but I would be happy to receive some news. 

The bank files are in .rar format. You need Winrar or compatible to extract it.

Formats supported: JD-800 SysEx dumps (SYX, MID) 
JD-990 SysEx dump (SYX)
JD-800 VST / Zenology patch bank (BIN)
JD-08 patch bank (SVD)
ZC1 patch bank (SVZ)


Christian Morency released a Beta version of a VST Patch Editor for the Roland JD-800 and JD-990.
See the following post with some info, links and video tutorials:
JD-800 JD-990 VST Patch Editor VST for CTRLR


A new post is added with a user created for the Logic Studio platform on Mac:

Mac Logic Studio: a little Roland JD800 Environment



JD800 Patch Organizer                                                       230 Kb
JD800 pach banks organized by Gwydion Elderwin           499 Kb
JD800 Path banks internet collection                                     407 Kb
JD800 randon bank creator                                                     512 Kb

JD800 to JD990 Bank Converter                                            177 Kb

JD990 Patch Organizer                                                         230 Kb
JD990 Pach banks organized by Gwydion Elderwin              544 Kb

Roland SL-JD Cards Patches Not waveforms                    62Kb

Roland JD-800 SE Especial Edition Patches (a Brazilian version not in the factory presets). This was an interesting remarkable work from great Brazilian musicians with new exclusive patches. Most people forgot to save that and lose the patches made by Roland's Brazil people. Some (few) requires the Strings card.


Differences between JD-800 and JD-990

The Roland JD-990 is the Supermodule of the JD-800. 
It have extended capabilities and is a "big plus" to any setup.
I have seen many setups with more than one JD-990 in the rack. 
  1. Expanded wave ROM (6MB vs. 4MB)
  2. Ability to use a 8MB expansion board
  3. 4 additional outs
  4. True stereo engine
  5. Osc sync
  6. Cross-mod (FXM)
  7. Osc structures that allow ring mod and serial dual filters
  8. Additional LFO waveforms
  9. MIDI CC control of parameters
  10. Tempo-sync delay
  11. Polyphonic portamento
  12. Performance memories
  13. Additional multi-timbral slots
  14. One patch can keep full effects in multi mode
For the complete comments by Don Solaris and some DEMOS of the JD-990 visit: 
Don Solaris - Roland JD-990 info and synthesis examples
Thanks to Ian and Don Solaris for this part.
Be up to date with your JD-990: The nice people at the Roland_JD-990 Yahoo Group have very good material about it.

sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2010

Links for other JD sites, stuff and foruns. Permanent list

The links are unordered. Some sites may requires translation like translate.google.com

1-Some sites may be no more available, so please notify me as my time is limited.
2-If you own a website with technical material (no sales promotion please) send me a message so I can add it here.

The two best foruns for the Roland JD-800 and JD-990:

  • JD-800_Tech Yahoo Group. This is a group covering technical, repair, performance, and programming aspects of the Roland JD-800 synthesizer. The group is active and the spammers removed.
  • Roland_JD-990 Yahoo Group. For all users of the Roland JD-990. This group is intended for the sharing of links, Useage info, Tips/tricks, & user patches.

Tact Switch Black - up/down, decr./incr
(replacement for 13169696)
vintageplanet.nl  - Parts Service for Vintage Synthesizer - They have parts for JD-800 and JD-990.

VintageSynth One of the most famous reference for every synth.

Harmony Central  This is one of the best site and foruns for musicians.

Polynominal JD-800 This guy have good tech specifications material and some JD800 stuff.

www.bluesynths.com A detailed guide to keyboards and their musical aspects by synth lovers. good stuff, very nice pictures and great sound demos (not the internals) of the JD-800!
They also have very interesting sound at their Myspace profile: Roland JD800 Long Mix.

SynthMania.com Information and Demos of Synthesizers. Great material or the Jd-990, sound demos for original and card patches . Must see and listen!

retrosound.de  Vintage Synthesizers Page.

synrise.de This site turned to pay mode, but have some o the best material about synths I have seen.

Don Solaris  A great musician and a JD-master with the JD-800 and JD-990. His site have some interesting and very usefull technical material.

Midiox Sysex utility program for sending/receiving bulk dumps from your synth (Win 9X.. and later.

Pro-Rec's JD-800 & jd-990 page  3rd party patches for your JD-990.

Sonicstate.com  Great synth site!

MatrixSynth Great everything synths blog!

Sonic Plug- Roland JD-990 Great tribute page to the JD-990.

http://www.synthzone.com Great synth tech info.

MEMI-Makers-Soundpool Free JD-990 Sounds.

Kid Nepro's Home page 3rd party patch creator/reseller. Good stuff, I have their demo for the 990 in the file section.

Dancetech.com  Good review.

JarreLook  Great Jean Michel Jarre Tribute Band from the UK.
If you want Jarre patches, see their download page for JD800 patches and other synths

JD-800.tripod.com  - Good info and description of the JD-800 Sound Libraries cards and waveforms.

Mark Smart have great material:

Bobby Blues JD800/JD990 page A vintage 80's-90's synthesizers site with a good JD area with synthesis description, collection of patches, links to the comercial patch sites, some examples of famous artists, etc.

Synthony Music´s Synth & Amp; Midi Museum

Dragonkiller  Good japanese page with links for more stuff, movies, etc.

Sysex Database Sysex messages for the JD and other synths.


segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2010

Manuals: JD800 and JD990 (Updated)

The Roland JD-800 and the JD-990 have strong sound features and the user manuals are a "must have" to anyone who wants to use in depth all resources and to learn about sound synthesis.

Roland has made manuals for most of their products available as free PDF downloads.
This material is @ Roland Corp.

Note: All "Google Docs" links must be working. I can't assure the external Roland links are still active.

English Language Manuals



JD-800 Owner´s Manual 

8.982 Kb

Roland US 

Google Docs.

JD-800 User´s Guide

Roland US 

Google Docs

JD-800 Midi Implementation 

424 Kb

JD-800 Turbo Start Guide

62 Kb

JD-800 Service Manual

39.2 Mb

Google Docs

JD-990 Reference

28,5 Mb

Google Docs

JD-990 Owner´s Manual 

7.675 Kb

Roland US 

Google Docs

JD-990 User Guide

6.333 Kb

Roland US

Google Docs
JD-990 Turbo Start Guide

JD-990 Service Notes Manual

Google Docs

JD-990 Patch/Waveform/Rythm List
1.348 Kb

Roland US

Google Docs

The Original Japanese manuals:

Japanese Language Manuals



JD800 User´s Guide


Google Docs

Here the 3 manuals from Roland.jp site

JD800 Reference Part 1-4


Google Docs

JD800 Reference Part 5


Google Docs

JD990 User´s Guide


Google Docs

Here the 2 manuals from Roland.jp site

JD990 Reference


Google Docs

From www.bluesynths.com:
"We HAVE TO add this user manual to the literature list. It's simply a
great piece of synthesizer literature. Contains not only detailled
explanations, drawings and graphics about each part of the JD-800, but
also lots of background information (music theory, how to create
realistic string sounds, about using effects, etc). 200 pages."

quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2010

The Roland JD-800: A Great Synth - Short History and Specifications

Roland JD-800 Programmable synthesizer

Year 1991

"Combining stunning digital sound and sophisticated digital technology with a natural feel and warmth reminiscent of analog instruments, the JD-800 was an instant sensation."

When the JD-800 appeared in 1991, Roland was the first to announce a new trend in the 90's: editability and overview.

The JD-800 become instantly a mega-classical keyboard.

All sliders are dedicated editors just like the original analog synths.

Based on sampling technology, it's a great synthesizer for guitar-like, analog bass or string/pad sounds.

Internal ROM based with CD quality waveforms are combined to build sounds.

Almost patches was created by Eric Persing.

This synth become the synth of choice in just about every studio around the world.

It also can be used to control the JD-990 module.

This keyboard is an extremely programmable digital synthesizer that retailed for $3000 when it was first introduced.

Release Date 1991-1996

Price list (1991 year): Us$2895 (USA), DM 4580 (German) 

Units produced: 24.000 

Digital Programmable Synthesizer with analog user surface.

Real-time controls

Great overall sound.

It´s really beautifull.


61 keys, Velocity, Channel aftertouch, 4 velocity curves

Polyphony 24 voices

5 Parts Multitimbral (Multi mode): 4 part + drum mode

Sound memory:

64 internal RAM patches storage positions plus 64 Rom-card


ROM based digital synthesizer

Tone generation:

S+S (Sampling and Synthesis) with resonant filters.

6 MegaByte ROM with 108 PCM Waves, expandable by PCM Rom Cards.

CD Quality waveforms

24 db Filters

108 internal source waveforms:
    • 13 Analog waves
    • 22 digital waves
    • 10 samples
    • 16 percussion samples
    • 9 overtones
    • 4 piano's
    • 17 attack transients
    • 6 wind samples
    • 9 noise
    • 2 effect samples
You can also add waveforms from ROM plug-in cards.


Keyboard: Good action 61 keys, fast, light, and smooth, with velocity, channel aftertouch, 4 velocity curves. 

125 buttons, knobs and sliders on the front panel, being 75 dedicated for sound editing. All this sends out recordable sysex! You can control the JD-990 with it.


  • 1 2x22 characters-LCD,
  • 1 2x16-characters-LCD,
  • green or orange backlight.

Tone Processing functions:

    • Pitch
    • TVF - Time Variant Filter (18 bit)
    • TVA - Time Variant Amplitude
WG - Waveform Generator

Dynamic filters and Amplifier,

2 LFOs · with 5 waveforms

DSP Effects processor:

2 Effect chains
1x Mono
1x Stereo
    • Phaser
    • Distortion
    • Spectrum
    • Enhancer
    • Chorus
    • Delay
    • Reverb
    • 3 Band EQ


From Roland Roland JD-800 Turbo facts:
    • SL-JD80 Series:
A diverse library of Waveforms and Patches ranging from Acoustic, Dance and Rock drums to Strings, Brass, Pianos and even Accordian. Each set contains both a Waveform card and a Data card with 64 patches which utilize the sounds on the Waveform card.
    • SO-PCM Series:
These cards contain new Waveforms for use with either the JV or JD-series synthesizers. The JD-800 can use these Waveforms cards to enhance its internal library and allow users to build new Patches.


These are the original Jd-800 sets. Each have two cards, one for patches and one with waveforms.

    • SL-JD80-01 Drums & Percussion STANDARD
    • SL-JD80-02 Drums & Percussion DANCE
    • SL-JD80-03 Rock Drums
    • SL-JD80-04 Strings Ensemble
    • SL-JD80-05 Brass Section
    • SL-JD80-06 Grand Piano
    • SL-JD80-07 Guitar Collection
    • SL-JD80-08 Accordion

The JD can use waveform PCM cards from JV series.

SO-PCM SERIES (see note bellow).

    • SO-PCM-01 Piano Selection
    • SO-PCM-02 Guiter & Brass
    • SO-PCM-03 Rock Drums
    • SO-PCM-04 Grand Piano
    • SO-PCM-05 Accordion
    • SO-PCM-06 Baroque
    • SO-PCM-07 Orchestral FX ** (not for the JD)
    • SO-PCM-08 Country/Folk/Bluegrass **  (not for the JD)

Important note about the SO-PCM cards. 
This series of 1 and 2 Mbyte cards for the JV-80, JV-880, JV-90, JV-1000, JD-800, JD-990 and JV-1080 consists of incredibly high-quality sounds that take advantage of these instruments' powerful capabilities. Each card contains patch data and wave data, so you can instantly get at these great sounds.
** 2 Megabyte cards - not compatible with the JD-800. So the SO-PCM-07 and SO-PCM-08 waveforms cards does not work with the JD.
SO-PCM cards provide waveforms AND patches for all models except the JD-800 so you only will have new waveforms to create patches. 

Memory Cards

You can save memory data using standart M-256E cards or compatible as the M-512E. Note, using the M-512E won´t give you double memory.

The cards save patch data only, not waveforms.
It is not possible to create nor save waveform data in the JDs. 

  • Mix Out - mono (L+R);
  • Direct Out - Stereo (L/R);
  • MIDI In, Out, Thru;
  • Hold pedal (damper);
  • Expression pedal input assignable to Volume, Pan, Modulation, or Aftertouch;
  • Headphone;
  • Card Slots for Patches and PCM data.


Power source: AC100V (50/60Hz) (need an internal technical procedure to change). 
Electric power consumption: 25w
External size: 1040 (W) ×420 (D) ×108 (H) mm
Weight: 15 kg


Roland M-256E Ram Card

Roland M-512E Ram Card (Note, using the M-512E won´t give you double memory).

Roland DP-2 damper pedal

Boss FS-5U momentary type footswitch

Roland EV-5 Expression Pedal

Roland EV-10 Expression Pedal

Differences between JD-800 and JD-990

The JD-990 is the Supermodule of the JD-800. It have extended capabilities and is a "big plus" to any setup.
    • Expanded wave ROM (6MB vs. 4MB)
    • Ability to use a 8MB expansion board
    • 4 additional outs
    • True stereo engine
    • Osc sync
    • Cross-mod (FXM)
    • Osc structures that allow ring mod and serial dual filters
    • Additional LFO waveforms
    • MIDI CC control of parameters
    • Tempo-sync delay
    • Polyphonic portamento
    • Performance memories
    • Additional multi-timbral slots
    • One patch can keep full effects in multi mode.

Thanks to Ian and Don Solaris for this part.

Important notes and disclaimer:

This is a fan-page.  I have no relation with Roland Corporation.

This page was done because I found myself lost and I start to colect info around the world. All information I found is posted here.

Please, don´t write asking how to do something. Save your time and go directly to the user foruns and sites.
