.'. Die Lunæ, 31 de Março de 2025 .'.

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Updates: Many topics are permanent, so may be updated to any material, for add or correct info.
Get more info: Since the beginning this site tryes to be a compilation center of the best sources for the JD800. Not a copy.
So please, visit the sites at the Links section for lots of much more very good information.

segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2023

Replacing the JD-800 keybed with another

Something that is frequently requested are alternatives to replace the JD-800 keybed with another that is similar as it is practically impossible to obtain a replacement.

We asked our friend Paulo Audiocare (Brazil) who is a technician with long experience in maintaining synths and the suggestion was as follows:

"The best keybed to adapt to the jd800 or U-20 is the Roland W30 (or D50, which is the same).

Just make the adjustments to the matrix.

The mechanical part is very close and the drillings are almost exact."

Thanks Paulo Audiocare
