.'. Die Lunæ, 31 de Março de 2025 .'.

About the JD800Center ________ Tech Specifications ________ JD Manuals ________ Software and Patches ________Best JD Links ________Factory Sound Demos

Updates: Many topics are permanent, so may be updated to any material, for add or correct info.
Get more info: Since the beginning this site tryes to be a compilation center of the best sources for the JD800. Not a copy.
So please, visit the sites at the Links section for lots of much more very good information.
Mostrando postagens com marcador Maintenance. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Maintenance. Mostrar todas as postagens

domingo, 1 de setembro de 2024

Another JD-800 red glue update note

We received this interesting relate about the red glue from Eric Frampton.

"22 de dez. de 2023,

I’ve just finished the lye treatment on my red glue JD-800. I wanted to add my $.02 to the notes:

Someone elsewhere on the web recommended LA’s Awesome Cleaner (undiluted) for spot treatment. I can concur that this softens up the red glue enough that, with a fingernail and some careful scrubbing, you can get excess glue off the exterior lower key rail without removing paint.

All-Purpose Cleaner Spray

When I did the lye treatment, it clouded up (left a white film on) a bunch of the black keys, and fogged up most of the white ones. I used Novus #2 Plastic polish (Fine Scratch Remover) to polish, and everything cleared up very nicely. This was after lye/dish soap/etc.

Plastic polisher

 Hope this helps someone."

About Eric Frampton

Keyboards, keyboard tech


Classically trained in piano from age five, Eric wears many hats including keyboardist, producer, composer, and technician. He has worked with a diverse range of artists including the B-52s, Boston, Paul Simon, Lionel Richie, Collective Soul, Yanni, Billy Currington, Mother’s Finest, Greg Manning, Tate Stevens, Stuck Mojo, and Fozzy.

Eric has written six musicals, performed on hundreds of album projects, produced commercial music for everyone from the Atlanta Braves to the QVC network, and even recorded cues for a couple of feature films.

You can also catch him performing with his 80’s tribute band, Electric Avenue.


Thanks Eric Frampton!


segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2023

Replacing the JD-800 keybed with another

Something that is frequently requested are alternatives to replace the JD-800 keybed with another that is similar as it is practically impossible to obtain a replacement.

We asked our friend Paulo Audiocare (Brazil) who is a technician with long experience in maintaining synths and the suggestion was as follows:

"The best keybed to adapt to the jd800 or U-20 is the Roland W30 (or D50, which is the same).

Just make the adjustments to the matrix.

The mechanical part is very close and the drillings are almost exact."

Thanks Paulo Audiocare


quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2023

How to open the JD-800 without trouble

Gaining access to the internal parts of the JD-800 is a simple process but requires a little care.

Removing all screws may do your internal components fall.

You must remove only the screws AROUND the bottom and two screws in the center line, they are at 1/4 from side, and may be you can see a few bigger hole where thy fit to.

Sometimes the bottom have some "dust" acting like glue to.


How to remove the panel.
JD-800 Manual. (click to enlarge)
Source: Roland Co.

Ok? Good luck!


domingo, 3 de julho de 2022

Roland JD-800 Repair, Restoration & Modification

A very good video from Scott MacLean  with a full JD-800 repair, restoration and modification.  

 It's a really very complete video, including links for all the parts and products used! 

His words:

"The Roland JD-800 is a virtual analog synthesizer produced from 1991 to 1996. Like the D-50, it uses Linear Arithmetic synthesis, which combines samples with digital synthesis. There are 108 built-in waveforms, with the ability to expand this with cards. This is a JD-800 I acquired that was in sad shape - it was suffering greatly from the "red glue of death" - a common problem with Roland synths of the time. This epoxy failure causes sticky, red glue to drip out of the keys and into the synthesizer, gluing keys in place and destroying circuit boards. In this video, I show how I take the synth apart, fix the red glue mess, then do some modifications to the aftertouch and power supply."

Thanks Scott!


quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2021

Roland JD-800 Keyboard PCB Installation. Fantastic article!

Thanks to all lovers of the JD-800, here's a very complete work about the new PCB that has been designed by Guy Wilkinson with the help and manufacture of PCBWay. 

We cited them in a recent topic too. Thanks, guys!

Please follow  the link bellow for the very complete material I'm sure all you will love it!

Roland JD-800 Keyboard PCB Installation

Great update for all JD-800 lovers and a big thanks for this work of love for this great music machine!


segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2021

Great news! JD-800 flex circuit replacement!

Thanks to Guy Wilkinson who worked to have new keyboard flexi PCB replacements! 

This is a work of love!

Follow the links for information to ask for yours too!



One satisfied costumer: 



segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2021

A fix for trailing distortion after every effects based patch on JD800

This post cames from the Facebook Group Roland JD-800 / JD-990.

Our colleague Igor Kopman posted about the problem, and here what appears to be the main trouble, so he posted this first solution:

"Hi guys. Many people have Trailing distortion after every effects based patch on JD800. This is the DAC problem. Very easy to fix. Just replace the R100 resistor to another with a lower resistance on output board, and the problem will gone."

Here's the board: 

The circuit:
470k. Color code Yellow Violet Yellow Gold:

This one: 

Pay attention to this:

Our colleague Julian Camp replied:

Igor Kopman the original resistor has to be measured out of circuit. Do you still have your original and what does it measure? The schematic and colour code says it should be 470k

So after more replies from many colleagues in the group and thanks to  Igor Kopman  for presenting this need, Julian Camp posted what appears to be a more simple solution: 

Replace VR1 with a high quality multi turn pot and it will fix the issue. The original VR when turned all the way counterclockwise or clockwise reads around 440ohm. The VR wasn't going low enough in resistance. Resistors R100, R101 and R102 tested within spec.

Thanks to everyone for supporting this great music machine! I love this synth and all you!

Manuals available: 

If you need the JDs Service Manuals plus all the others JD' manuals just enter at this page:


The original topic text messages for credits, many people helped for sure!

** Igor Kopman

Hi guys.  Many people have  Trailing distortion after every effects based patch on JD800. This is the DAC problem. Very easy to fix. Just replace the R100 resistor to another with a lower resistance on output board, and the problem will gone.

** Radek Tymecki

You think that changing the resistor is the key? Caps are ok?

** Jym Mccullough

Can you be more specific on "lower resistance?" How about an exact value that works?

** Kevin Nolan

Jym Mccullough It looks like a 46 Ohm Resistor - hard to tell but I think I'm seeing Yellow-Blue

** Igor Kopman

Jym Mccullough I will open my JD800 and check it.

** Igor Kopman

Jym Mccullough Ok the resistor is 137k

** Kevin Nolan

Igor Kopman Yup - 46 Omhs - 137k - I was almost right 🥴 (ye know - on the cosmic scale of things...)

** Julian Camp

Igor Kopman the original resistor has to be measured out of circuit. Do you still have your original and what does it measure? The schematic and colour code says it should be 470k

** Igor Kopman

Julian Camp I think it was 240k or 270k

** Julian Camp

Igor Kopman that's what it would measure in circuit. Did you measure it out of circuit?

** Julian Camp

You have to take the resistor out of circuit to measure it. Mine reads 480k. The schematic and colour code shows it should be 470k. So this resistor shouldn't be the issue unless my cheap meter is correct and it is 10k out of spec. Will replace with a … Ver mais

** Julian Camp

470k. Color code Yellow Violet Yellow Gold

** Gilberto Strapazon

Thanks Igor Kopman!

Please, you or someone else with the same trouble may check about the measure out of the circuit of the probably damaged part?

This topic will be replicated at the JD800center if we have more info.

Appears the kind of problem with a easy solution and this means Gold!

I'm saving all the topic (with all replies for credits) for a post at my site.

I'm sure many people will be after this information too.

Thanks for more replies so I will soon post at the JD800Center too.

** Jym Mccullough

Gilberto Strapazon Thanks for maintaining your website. I've looked there many times for info and tell others as well.

** Julian Camp

I will replace the three resistors going to the trimmer pot and report back. Will be replacing with original values. R100 - 470k, R101-1M, R102-200k.

** Eric Vaubel

My JD-800 and my PCM-80 both do this. Will investigate!

** Julian Camp


Replace VR1 with a high quality multi turn pot and it will fix the issue. The original VR when turned all the way counterclockwise or clockwise reads around 440ohm. The VR wasn't going low enough in resistance. Resistors R100, R101 and R102 tes… Ver mais

** Gilberto Strapazon

Julian Camp great! Simple and very effective!


domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2021

Another Very Nice Red Glue Repair.


What a nice fantastic work and for sure nice photos!

Click the link or the photo bellow for the complete procedure.

Thanks Pete Sherman!

Roland JD-800 "Red Glue" repair


Great news! JD-800 flex circuit replacement!


terça-feira, 9 de maio de 2017

Replacement of Green Contact Strip and Keys on the Roland JD-800

Replacement of green contact strip and keys on the Roland JD-800

A full video with all the procedures to disassembly the keybed and replace the contact strip.


Roland JD800 - Red Glue - Key Weights Removal

Roland JD800 - Red Glue - Key Weights Removal

Tom Szakaly from the Noddys Puncture presents a short video he made of the removal of the weights from JD800 keys.
Basically it involves dissolving the red glue with Caustic Soda solution.
Please be careful though - if you do try this yourself, make sure to use goggles and gloves...!

quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2016

JD-800 and JD-990 DAC Calibration

This is my JD-800. The DAC board is at left.

JD-800 and JD-990 DAC Calibration

Calibration for the JDs Digital to Analog Converters (DAC).

Just to remember, the DAC is that circuit where the digital signal is converted to analog. This is a very important part of the JD, because the quality of the result it does.

From Analog.com:
In principle, you give a digital input to a DAC and it provides an accurate output voltage. In reality, the accuracy of the output voltage is subject to gain and offset errors from the DAC and other components in the signal chain. The system designer must compensate for these errors in order to get an accurate output voltage. This can be implemented with external components and post-manufacture trimming. Digital calibration modifies the input sent to the DAC such that the gain and offset errors are taken into account thus removing the need for external components and trimming.

Thanks to Don Solaris, a JD-Master for posting this at his site. Click the links to be redirected.

If you already does not have the JD Service Manual get it here: JD Manuals.

Note: Please, if the links does not work, notify me at comments to update it. 


sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2013

White Keys Again

This is from "The Retr0bright Project".

By Merlin, of AmiBay, English Amiga Board and Vintage Computer Forums (among others)

How to deal with the “not-so-mellow yellow” of old computers and consoles

“The problem was finally cracked in late July 2008 with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, a small amount of an “Oxy” laundry booster as a catalyst and a UV lamp; we believed that this could do the job in hours instead of days. Proof of this concept was demonstrated on EAB by Tonyyeb from Hull, UK, Chiark from Leeds, UK and myself. The original test I did as proof of concept took two hours, as opposed to up to the five days it took for the original tests at CBM and a1k.org. We were on to something!!

See the complete article at: retr0bright.wikispaces.com

Portuguese text: 

Coloque as teclas em água oxigenada + bicarbonato de sódio e deixe algumas horas no sol. De preferência cubra o recipiente com um plástico.


sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

One Fix for the Red Glue Problem

JD800 by Marcos Carrera from Taiwan.

This was posted by Shupac800 at the JD-800 Tech Group:

My Fix for the Red Glue Problem
Posted By: shupac800  Sat Aug 4, 2012 8:10 pm 
I posted this tutorial to Gearslutz.com last year and thought it might be
helpful to republish it here.

* * *

There are two kinds of JD-800 owners: those who have already experienced the
red glue of death, and those who are going to...

As we all know, the red glue that holds the key weights to the keys did not prove to be stable over a period of decades. When it gets old, and especially if the synth is kept someplace warm, the red glue softens and seeps out, making a God-awful mess.

The best way to fix this problem is to remove all the red glue, under the mildest conditions possible (NOT boiling water, as some have tried), and re-glue the weights into the keys. The keybed comes out better than new. Here's my technique.

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH, lye) solution works great to dissolve the red glue without harming the plastic. It is caustic, so WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES. Even dilute NaOH can permanently damage your eyes, and it's very likely your lye solution will be splashing about. If you get any of the solution on yourself, wash it off promptly with a lot of water.

The sodium hydroxide I like to use is granular NaOH, which I've bought on eBay. If you can get Red Devil lye or some other pelletized NaOH at your hardware store, that will work too, but the granular NaOH dissolves faster.

In a plastic bucket, mix 80 grams NaOH with 2 liters of water until all the NaOH is dissolved. (The bucket will get warm.) For you chemistry types, this recipe makes a 1-molar (1 mole/L) solution of sodium hydroxide.

Immerse the keys in the lye solution. You only need to soak the part with the glue on it, so don't worry if keys aren't completely bathed in the solution.

Leave the keys soaking in the solution for 18-24 hours. After this time, no traces of the red glue should remain, and the weights will simply fall out of the keys into the bucket.

Carefully pour the NaOH solution down the drain. Don't let the weights get poured down the drain too.

Rinse everything with a lot of water. Dry the weights as best you can. It's normal for a bit of rust-colored oxidation to form on them; don't worry about it.

At this point I soak the keys for another 24 hours in a bucket of soapy water. This bath helps eliminate the fishy odor left on the plastic by the reaction of the lye solution with the red glue.

When everything is dry and clean, re-glue the weights into the keys. I have had great results using a popsicle stick to apply a dab of 5-minute epoxy to each key. Make sure the weights are properly centered.

To remove any red goop that has seeped onto your chassis, I have found the best method is to blast the goo with freeze spray (available from Radio Shack or Fry's). Then, while the stuff is frozen hard and brittle, chip it off with a single-edged razor blade.

And that's it. Have fun.

Another fix by Daniel Forro at the same forum: 
(observe his comments about how reglue the key's weights)

My problems with red glue started few years ago after my moving from middle Europe to Japan - I think also because of high temperatures in the summer.

It's necessary to disassemble the instrument and keyboard, and leave the keys soaked in solution with NaOH (natrium hydroxide). I used a liquid for
cleaning sanitary pipes with 2% of NaOH, it's enough, but it was necessary to leave keys in it for about 2 or three days. I have used transparent plastic
cover from 50 pieces CD or DVD box, lot of keys can be inside in the same time soaked (and after finishing the job and washing box in water it can be
again used). Red glue is dissolved with it perfectly, dissappears, and metal weights still keep glued (mostly, just few fell out).

Then I cleaned the keys with water, and with isopropylalcohol from the rest of dissolved glue film and all dirtiness, and put standard universal common
liquid "white glue" (which changes color to transparent after drying, and is soluble and washable with water - I'm sure it can be purchased everywhere in the
world under different names) to fill and cover all holes around the weight, and weight itself - to avoid any possible future leakage of red glue which is
still under the weight. After drying this glue I had apply more of it on some spots where some air bubble made again holes. In the end I got perfect plastic cover
of metal weight. If I remember well, for black keys it was necessary to use more glue.

There's no problem since the repair.


Here is another topic about the Red Glue problem: Sorting Out Flats JD800 Sticky Key - Red Glue

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012

Memory Card Battery Replacement / cartridge

It is important to remember you cards / cartridge have an internal battery.

This is the former process for replacement.

All rights: @Roland Co.

Download the original PDF file from Roland US:  Roland_Memory_Card_Battery_Replacement.pdf

Memory Card Battery Replacement Instructions

The Roland M-512, M-256 and M-128 memory cards each have an internal battery.

If you need to replace the internal battery, please use the following images as a guide.

Be sure to use the specified battery (CR-2016) - This is a very popular type usually easy to find.

1)  Locate the battery tray and use your thumbnail or the blade of a small flat-head screwdriver to gently loosen the battery tray.

 2) Gently pull the battery tray completely out of the memory card.

 3) Make a note of which side of the battery is facing up so you can position the new battery correctly.

4) Take care not to touch the new battery with your bare fingers as this can shorten battery life.


terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012

JD-800 Aftertouch Modification

Use the full range of aftertouch without straining your fingers.

This is a Mod to the JD-800 circuit. Do it at your own risk.

All JD-800 users knows we need to put a lot of pressure to use the aftertouch.

As someone sayd: one needs to stand on the keyboard to get an effect.

I took here the work of two great guys from the JD-800 Tech group. As I know, they had many messages about this work and here is the result with comments from both.

Preben Friis, synth lover an expert in electronics who explain how to do a simple mod to make the aftertouch become better, really light to play.

, a guy who have great merits and a lovely work and story.

From now, I merge material from both and something more, including one or two words of mine.

The Idea:


In basic, just change how the circuit "feel" the input value.
A 270 kOhm resistor across R27 will make it possible to use full range of aftertouch without straining your fingers.

R27 position.

Please read all the comments before doing anything you will repent! (LOL)

I poked around with a multimeter on the aftertouch circuit today. The pressure
ribbon starts out at 150 kOhm and by full pressure it is around 1 kOhm...

Shunting the ribbon will make it possible to move the threshold to make it start

earlier but will not make it more sensitive.


This is a modification you can do inside the JD if you are comfortable with a soldering iron that makes the aftertouch much more responsive.

This mod might require to unsolder a SMD resistor ... not something for people with ten thumbs.
For sure you can ask an electronics technician to perform this modification.

About opening the JD-800:

Removing all screws may do your internal components fall.
You must remove only the screws AROUND the bottom and two screws in the center line, they are at 1/4 from side, and may be you can see a few bigger hole where thy fit to.
Sometimes the bottom have some "dust" acting like glue to.

How to remove the panel.
JD-800 Manual. (click to enlarge)
Source: Roland Co.

The Solution:


Thanks to Gwydion Elderwyn I received exactly what I needed to calculate and test a better modification of the aftertouch circuit in the JD-800.
The short version: 
Change resistor R27 to 120 kOhm instead of 220 kOhm. Done.
The long version:
Since SMD components are very difficult to remove, and I did not have any SMD components at hand, I chose to solder a 270 kOhm resistor parallel with R27. 
R27 is located on the mainboard in the left corner right by the ribbon cable to the keyboard.
The picture shows my "huge" resistor piggyback on R27. It is not very pretty, but it works! 

Image by: Preben Friis

Actually the picture shows a 100k resistor, which was the first one I tried, but that made the aftertouch sensitivity too light. I could easily press the aftertouch from 0 to 127 with my pinkie finger. The 270k resistor is in my opinion the best value. If I use my pinkie with this value it allmost hurts to press it to max. Feel free to experiment - Reasonable values are in the range from 100k to about 1M
Find a soldering iron with a very thin tip and add a little solder to the two pads on R27 first. Then cut and bend the legs of the new resistor to fit across it and add a little solder blob to the legs of it. Hold the new resistor in position with a set of pliers and touch the iron to the legs of the resistor. This should melt both solder blobs to one and the connection is made. Repeat for the other side.
The smaller the better: 
A 1/8W resistor would be preferred over a 1/4W. 
Smaller resistors have thinner legs and that makes them easier to solder to the SMD resistor.
(Acutally I'm currently using a 1/2W resistor and it is BIG!).

The tolerance does not matter much. You can use 220k or 180k if you really want to use the full aftertouch range when playing monofonic lines.
An alternate idea:
Marc (also suggest using a trimmer instead of a fixed resistor:
What I'd like to do instead on this mod is replace the resistor by a lower value, cut the trace next to it and connect a 500Kohm trimmer pot with modding wire (26-28Awg) and have it adjustable. 
I imagine not every aftertouch ribbon has exactly the same value, so this would make it tweekable. Nice thing is if the value of the ribbon changes in time, all you have to do it open it up and adjust it a little. The fixed resistor is there as safeguard so the value doesnt go below a safe value and draws too much current.
Also, I would not connect a pot in parallel with the current value. The response of the pot would not be linear at all, and hard to adjust. 

Another mod using the same idea:

See that was placed a wire connecting the potentiometer (at left) to position R27 in the circuit board.
Foto: Yuri Alfons Peeters Charlotte

Remember to power off before you solder anything... 
If you connect the resistor properly without shorting anything there is no risk involved in this modification. The current in the pressure ribbon will be double from around 40 uA to 80 uA, but those currents are still very far from anything that can destroy any components.

I can tell you, that a well adjusted aftertouch is almost like getting a new synth. Many of the factory sounds is way more fun to play around with, when you can change the sound by a light pressure. 
For example, try for instance patch I-22, Classic Sweeper .. 
Thanks again Gwydion Elderwyn, I couldn't have done this without your help :-)
Have fun.

Preben Friis

The Circuit and the mods

As we say here in Georgia, WEEEEEE HAAAAAA!

Thanks Preben!  This mod was easy and it works great!  I used the 270k and find the aftertouch to now be similar to my K2000.

Most excellent.  Kinda makes you wonder why Roland didn’t get it right in the first place.

Jim Combs



domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

Sorting Out Flats JD800 Sticky Key - Red Glue

Red glue. Photo by Alexander James Edwards

In the Harmony Central site, the Keys, Synths & Samples forum is the one of the best group about synths and synth players I have found.

From there is this great post about one of the famous problems of the JD-800: the sticky key, also know as the Red glue problem. .

Link to the original topic: ***Flats-JD800-Sticky-Key-Session-***

Topics created by Flat Earth - Vive La Synthesizer! You find him at www.gearslutz.com

***Flats JD800 Sticky Key Session ***

Heres a very quick guide to sorting out the infamous Roland JD800 'Sticky key problem'
As you are only allowed 10 images, I´m sorry if it is not too clear.

Remove the 8 screws located under the ‘ROLAND’ logo on the back of the JD800. then the 2 screws on the underside of the JD and the 3 screws at either ends (left image). The top facia of the synth will open up like a bonnet revealing the circuitry and keyboard (a strap on the left hand side prevents the lid/facia from falling back)

The keyboard can now be removed. Firstly, gently prize out the ribbon connector that connects the keyboard to the motherboard (left image). Using a side-to-side motion (don’t force it!), then unscrew the 6 gold screws running along the top of the keyboard chassis (right image), and the 5 screws underneath the synth (holding the keyboard steady)

The whole keyboard assembly should slide forward easily now. Before taking apart the keyboard, its best to lay it face down on a towel or soft cloth (keep a dish handy for small parts)

On the back of the metal keyboard chassis, there are 5 black strips securing each octave of the keys. Remove 1 strip and the one octave of keys at a time. A knife or flat screwdriver can be inserted under the strip to gently prise it off. (See above right)

After the strip has been removed, each key can be taken out by gently pushing it out. (After each key has been removed, take out each corresponding metal spring clip that is underneath the key, and put it somewhere safe. Put all the keys in order, upside down on a piece of board. (Right image)

At this point, you should be able to see the ‘Red glue’ that is causing the sticky key (red glue) problem.
I found in my case, all the problems seem to emanate from the glue leaking from the ‘black keys’. The glue had dripped down onto the damping strip & between the keys themselves. (see below)

The ‘Red glue’ can be cleaned easily from between the keys. The glue that has fouled the damping strip on the other hand (left image), has to be gently scraped off with a scalpel. I found some of the glue had been absorbed by the damping strip. I was able to cut it out, and then ‘fluff up’ the resulting hole. If the damping strip were too heavily saturated with glue, it would be a better idea to replace it (if Roland can still supply this).

Once all the glue has been cleaned away, it’s worth cleaning the contacts. Just remove the 5 grey rubber contact suspension mats and clean the whole strip with a light tissue doused in cleaning fluid. (Be careful removing these mats, as the small rubber securing cones can tear easily!)

The keyboard section can now be re-assembled and tested.

I found that putting a thin layer of hot glue over the ‘red glue’ in the black keys could prevent further leakage in the future. But not too much as to make the key too heavy.

Hope this is of use to anybody experiencing similar problems.

Additional comments from that topic and very useful info from the topic follow. (Edited)

Comment by Don Solaris - Certified Synth Maniac

Unfortunately, cleaning of damping strip from bottom side is not that easy. And the only solution (after you clear keys and before you put them back) is to take a small piece of Post-It paper and put it right over the glue. Glue will hold it, and key won't be sticky anymore.

Same can be applied to top side of damping strip as in many cases, the glue already penetrated it deep enough, that you can no longer cut it out with scalpel.

Comment by  MarkShovel2

I found it was essential to get the metal spring clips uniformally seated on each key. I had a few black keys that were stiff. I observed that the metal clips were not correctly seated into the top of the key. When correctly seated, everything is very uniform. The action now approaches my two V-Synths.

Comment by Flat Earth

Id thought of putting a small piece of thin plastic or paper over the saturated parts of the damping strip, but after gently cutting it out, i was able to 'fluff' it up, with a needle back to a pretty good state.

Comment by 4thtry

As in your case the black keys were causing the majority of the problem. I used a tube of silicon instead of hot glue to try and seal in the offending red glue. I had to be careful not to add too much or the little metal stopper with the rubber jacket would come in contact and add unwanted friction.

Comment by Flat Earth

when i inserted the hot glue, i had to be careful not to put too much in. I found a small blob either side of the weight did the trick. Used a small screw driver to spread it over the red glue, but you have to be quick, the hot glue sets quite quickly.

I didnt do the white keys btw. Even if they had 'leaked', they wouldnt cause any problems with the keybed mech as they arnt above it. I will be keeping an eye on them though.

Comment by Flat Earth


After repairing the keyboard action (which now plays super smooth) i found I had a few dead notes. I thought the culprit may well be the rubber dome key contacts, so i took it apart again and made a note of which keys failed to play. I then swapped one of the 5 grey strips with another and checked to see if the key played. **BINGO** they worked. They rubber strip must have worn out. Its best to replace all 5, but remember, the 5th strip (top octave) is different to the lower 4 octave strips. It has 13 contacts rather then 12 like on the other lower octaves. Take this into account when ordering replacements. 


Another topic for the Red Glue problem is: One fix for red glue problem.

terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2012

Great modifications and maintenance: Roland JD-800 "Restyling"

Great modification and fantastic result!

Efrem, from Italy have done many improvements inside that make the Roland JD-800 more robust and easy to maintenance.

A great video from a synth lover.

He turned the Roland JD-800 in a module, removed the keybed and improved it.

(Video updated in 21, June 2017)

Click the link to watch the video at Youtube:  Roland JD-800 _ Modifiche hardware


The video show all parts he serviced. Very good ideas.

Pay atention to details and you will be surprised. I comment only a few.

Well, he removed the damaged keybed. here in the blog you will see another modification such like this. 

The headphones output in front make it easier.

The joystick was placed apart and it is on a temporary support.

The plastic over the card place is a great idea. Protect against contact with the flat cable and prevent also agaist dust.

I say dust? Oh my god! He made a total cleanup! Dust inside is the great problem of the JDs. 

Another great idea was to improve heat dissipation in the power source. 
The connectors are no longer soldiers which greatly facilitates maintenance.

Love to see all that. Thanks Efrem, our congratulations! 

UPDATE: This one is an update from him but due restrictions you need to click at the Youtube link to see it. 

 See also: