.'. Die Lunæ, 31 de Março de 2025 .'.

About the JD800Center ________ Tech Specifications ________ JD Manuals ________ Software and Patches ________Best JD Links ________Factory Sound Demos

Updates: Many topics are permanent, so may be updated to any material, for add or correct info.
Get more info: Since the beginning this site tryes to be a compilation center of the best sources for the JD800. Not a copy.
So please, visit the sites at the Links section for lots of much more very good information.
Mostrando postagens com marcador JD800. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador JD800. Mostrar todas as postagens

sábado, 28 de setembro de 2024

The Roland JD-800: Deep Dive, Review and Sound Design Tutorial of Roland's 1991 Flagship Synthesizer

Thanks to Scott MacLean we have a new video showing a lot of how the JD-800 works in practice and explaining each section. 

His comments: 

"I realized recently that there are very few (I couldn't find any) YouTube videos that do a deep dive on how the JD-800 works, and how sound design is done on them. So I decided to rectify that.

In this tutorial/review, I go over everything you ever wanted to know about the Roland JD-800: The history of the synth, how the engine works, how to manipulate patches, how to do sound design, how to edit the effects, and more!" 

Thanks Scott!



domingo, 1 de setembro de 2024

Another JD-800 red glue update note

We received this interesting relate about the red glue from Eric Frampton.

"22 de dez. de 2023,

I’ve just finished the lye treatment on my red glue JD-800. I wanted to add my $.02 to the notes:

Someone elsewhere on the web recommended LA’s Awesome Cleaner (undiluted) for spot treatment. I can concur that this softens up the red glue enough that, with a fingernail and some careful scrubbing, you can get excess glue off the exterior lower key rail without removing paint.

All-Purpose Cleaner Spray

When I did the lye treatment, it clouded up (left a white film on) a bunch of the black keys, and fogged up most of the white ones. I used Novus #2 Plastic polish (Fine Scratch Remover) to polish, and everything cleared up very nicely. This was after lye/dish soap/etc.

Plastic polisher

 Hope this helps someone."

About Eric Frampton

Keyboards, keyboard tech


Classically trained in piano from age five, Eric wears many hats including keyboardist, producer, composer, and technician. He has worked with a diverse range of artists including the B-52s, Boston, Paul Simon, Lionel Richie, Collective Soul, Yanni, Billy Currington, Mother’s Finest, Greg Manning, Tate Stevens, Stuck Mojo, and Fozzy.

Eric has written six musicals, performed on hundreds of album projects, produced commercial music for everyone from the Atlanta Braves to the QVC network, and even recorded cues for a couple of feature films.

You can also catch him performing with his 80’s tribute band, Electric Avenue.


Thanks Eric Frampton!


segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2023

Replacing the JD-800 keybed with another

Something that is frequently requested are alternatives to replace the JD-800 keybed with another that is similar as it is practically impossible to obtain a replacement.

We asked our friend Paulo Audiocare (Brazil) who is a technician with long experience in maintaining synths and the suggestion was as follows:

"The best keybed to adapt to the jd800 or U-20 is the Roland W30 (or D50, which is the same).

Just make the adjustments to the matrix.

The mechanical part is very close and the drillings are almost exact."

Thanks Paulo Audiocare


sexta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2023

A look at Tony Banks' Roland JD-800

Tony Banks with the JD-800.
Genesis - The Way We Walk Live In Concert - 1992.

This was posted by Alex Ball at Youtube in a recent work posted September, 13, 2023. 

Thank you! 

This JD-800 now is with Andrew Ward who gently allowed this video. 

Sorry, no Sysex is available nor is there a possibility of getting it. This is explained in the video. 

Citing Akex's words: 

"Here's a look at Tony Banks' Roland JD-800 that he used live throughout the 1990s.

In this video, we have a listen to the tour patches stored on the instrument and get a little glimpse into how Genesis did things in front of stadiums full of adoring fans.

Huge thank you to Andrew Ward for the loan of this historic instrument.

Andrew Ward: https://www.instagram.com/arpquadra  "

A very good video and Alex comments about some parameters for the patches and the music they were used. 


quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2023

How to open the JD-800 without trouble

Gaining access to the internal parts of the JD-800 is a simple process but requires a little care.

Removing all screws may do your internal components fall.

You must remove only the screws AROUND the bottom and two screws in the center line, they are at 1/4 from side, and may be you can see a few bigger hole where thy fit to.

Sometimes the bottom have some "dust" acting like glue to.


How to remove the panel.
JD-800 Manual. (click to enlarge)
Source: Roland Co.

Ok? Good luck!


quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2023

Roland JD-800 SE Especial Edition - A rare Brazilian exclusive version

JD-800 SE. This is mine. 

What is the JD-800 SE

As a JD-800 lover, maybe you perceive I really love this synth, I was after this for a long, long, long time. To be clear, since 2002 when I got the JD-800 and created this site. 

In short, the JD-800 SE is a Brazilian edition with the Strings Card plus exclusive patches but the same original factory presets. 

In practice, the JD-800 SE included all 5 cards. 

In the early 1991-92 years, people from Roland's Brazil asked for a group of very experimented Brazilian musicians to help create new patches for the JD-800. 

This version received an entirely new set of patches that were not included in the factory presets. 

But this was a problem too because almost all users forgot to save the internal memory into a memory card (not included), so those patches become lost for a long time. 

So, if you have a JD-800 SE and restore factory presents, you will lose the SE version patches! This happened to most of them sadly. 

My first contact with the JD-800 SE was in 2005 with Elberto Ronald Manske who had a very nice studio and with all cards.  

After nearly two decades, I found someone who still has the patches saved plus the original prints included with that special model. 

And yes, I have the JD-800 SE, but I was after such patches for a long time, and still, sadly I do have not the String Card (a really fantastic one). 

The new patches were created due to the great work of: 

  • Eric Persing
  • Adrian Scott
  • Paulot Roberto T. A. de Oliveira
  • Lucas K. Shirahata
  • Carlos Alberto F. Merussi (Pardal)

The patches: 

After finding this, I commented in local groups and then another colleague made a simple video about it, and for sure the JD-800 SE deserves a better one, but he has not the String Cards and his machine sadly is in bad shape, using another keyboard as a controller. 

The original credits to these great guys:

On this page below you can download this rare set of patches. Copyright @Roland Co. 

Software and Patches

Also, watch this video made after we got the material to get a very simple idea. Tiago is using a controller without the Strings Card.

Anyways, no matter who made what, I give thanks to this beloved great friend who gifted me with the original material after decades so we solved the mystery of the JD-800 SE


domingo, 3 de julho de 2022

Roland JD-800 Repair, Restoration & Modification

A very good video from Scott MacLean  with a full JD-800 repair, restoration and modification.  

 It's a really very complete video, including links for all the parts and products used! 

His words:

"The Roland JD-800 is a virtual analog synthesizer produced from 1991 to 1996. Like the D-50, it uses Linear Arithmetic synthesis, which combines samples with digital synthesis. There are 108 built-in waveforms, with the ability to expand this with cards. This is a JD-800 I acquired that was in sad shape - it was suffering greatly from the "red glue of death" - a common problem with Roland synths of the time. This epoxy failure causes sticky, red glue to drip out of the keys and into the synthesizer, gluing keys in place and destroying circuit boards. In this video, I show how I take the synth apart, fix the red glue mess, then do some modifications to the aftertouch and power supply."

Thanks Scott!


domingo, 27 de março de 2022

Again the Gandalf in a great performance!

This is the famous Gandalf The White - The Roland JD-800 Custom White Synth.

It is really a nice white custom mod by Customsynth.
So, another great performance with it and its great sound! 

Turn up the volume!


And here with other great synths:



sábado, 25 de setembro de 2021

Roland JD-800 Demo & Review by Katsunori UJIIE

Mr Katsunori is a well know musician and his reviews are always great!

In his words:

"The Roland JD-800 was an epoch-making synth that combined the operability of a digital sound source and an analog feel. The character that is clear and has a strong presence is wonderful even if you listen to it now! .. The famous no.53 piano is still very nice! Katsunori UJIIE"


quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2021

Roland JD-800 Keyboard PCB Installation. Fantastic article!

Thanks to all lovers of the JD-800, here's a very complete work about the new PCB that has been designed by Guy Wilkinson with the help and manufacture of PCBWay. 

We cited them in a recent topic too. Thanks, guys!

Please follow  the link bellow for the very complete material I'm sure all you will love it!

Roland JD-800 Keyboard PCB Installation

Great update for all JD-800 lovers and a big thanks for this work of love for this great music machine!


segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2021

Great news! JD-800 flex circuit replacement!

Thanks to Guy Wilkinson who worked to have new keyboard flexi PCB replacements! 

This is a work of love!

Follow the links for information to ask for yours too!



One satisfied costumer: 



domingo, 30 de maio de 2021

More great music playing with the Gandalf

One more fantastic playing with the Gandalf. 

Another great example of why I love the JD-800 so much, a great example of what this fantastic machine does.

Thank you David C. Lovelace for another fantastic presentation!


quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2021

Roland JD-800 Factory Demos HQ

 Thanks to Alex Van Den Berg for this video showing the JD-800's factory demos. 

See also how to hear the demos and our recording in mp3 of Factory Sound Demos here.


segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2021

Tony Banks playing the JD-800

One of many shows with Tony Banks playing the JD-800. 

Here's the Genesis show Live at Knebworth Festival 1992 Full Concert:


segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2021

A fix for trailing distortion after every effects based patch on JD800

This post cames from the Facebook Group Roland JD-800 / JD-990.

Our colleague Igor Kopman posted about the problem, and here what appears to be the main trouble, so he posted this first solution:

"Hi guys. Many people have Trailing distortion after every effects based patch on JD800. This is the DAC problem. Very easy to fix. Just replace the R100 resistor to another with a lower resistance on output board, and the problem will gone."

Here's the board: 

The circuit:
470k. Color code Yellow Violet Yellow Gold:

This one: 

Pay attention to this:

Our colleague Julian Camp replied:

Igor Kopman the original resistor has to be measured out of circuit. Do you still have your original and what does it measure? The schematic and colour code says it should be 470k

So after more replies from many colleagues in the group and thanks to  Igor Kopman  for presenting this need, Julian Camp posted what appears to be a more simple solution: 

Replace VR1 with a high quality multi turn pot and it will fix the issue. The original VR when turned all the way counterclockwise or clockwise reads around 440ohm. The VR wasn't going low enough in resistance. Resistors R100, R101 and R102 tested within spec.

Thanks to everyone for supporting this great music machine! I love this synth and all you!

Manuals available: 

If you need the JDs Service Manuals plus all the others JD' manuals just enter at this page:


The original topic text messages for credits, many people helped for sure!

** Igor Kopman

Hi guys.  Many people have  Trailing distortion after every effects based patch on JD800. This is the DAC problem. Very easy to fix. Just replace the R100 resistor to another with a lower resistance on output board, and the problem will gone.

** Radek Tymecki

You think that changing the resistor is the key? Caps are ok?

** Jym Mccullough

Can you be more specific on "lower resistance?" How about an exact value that works?

** Kevin Nolan

Jym Mccullough It looks like a 46 Ohm Resistor - hard to tell but I think I'm seeing Yellow-Blue

** Igor Kopman

Jym Mccullough I will open my JD800 and check it.

** Igor Kopman

Jym Mccullough Ok the resistor is 137k

** Kevin Nolan

Igor Kopman Yup - 46 Omhs - 137k - I was almost right 🥴 (ye know - on the cosmic scale of things...)

** Julian Camp

Igor Kopman the original resistor has to be measured out of circuit. Do you still have your original and what does it measure? The schematic and colour code says it should be 470k

** Igor Kopman

Julian Camp I think it was 240k or 270k

** Julian Camp

Igor Kopman that's what it would measure in circuit. Did you measure it out of circuit?

** Julian Camp

You have to take the resistor out of circuit to measure it. Mine reads 480k. The schematic and colour code shows it should be 470k. So this resistor shouldn't be the issue unless my cheap meter is correct and it is 10k out of spec. Will replace with a … Ver mais

** Julian Camp

470k. Color code Yellow Violet Yellow Gold

** Gilberto Strapazon

Thanks Igor Kopman!

Please, you or someone else with the same trouble may check about the measure out of the circuit of the probably damaged part?

This topic will be replicated at the JD800center if we have more info.

Appears the kind of problem with a easy solution and this means Gold!

I'm saving all the topic (with all replies for credits) for a post at my site.

I'm sure many people will be after this information too.

Thanks for more replies so I will soon post at the JD800Center too.

** Jym Mccullough

Gilberto Strapazon Thanks for maintaining your website. I've looked there many times for info and tell others as well.

** Julian Camp

I will replace the three resistors going to the trimmer pot and report back. Will be replacing with original values. R100 - 470k, R101-1M, R102-200k.

** Eric Vaubel

My JD-800 and my PCM-80 both do this. Will investigate!

** Julian Camp


Replace VR1 with a high quality multi turn pot and it will fix the issue. The original VR when turned all the way counterclockwise or clockwise reads around 440ohm. The VR wasn't going low enough in resistance. Resistors R100, R101 and R102 tes… Ver mais

** Gilberto Strapazon

Julian Camp great! Simple and very effective!


domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2021

Another Very Nice Red Glue Repair.


What a nice fantastic work and for sure nice photos!

Click the link or the photo bellow for the complete procedure.

Thanks Pete Sherman!

Roland JD-800 "Red Glue" repair


Great news! JD-800 flex circuit replacement!


quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2021

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2020

Roland JD800 SL-JD80-04 Strings Ensemble Sound Card preset patches

Wow!  This the Strings Card!

The white head fly.

Sensational demos of the most famous Card of all for the JD-800 and JD-990.

The unanimous opinion is that you have a new synth with this card.

Our colleague Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan made a series of fantastic videos about all JD cards, highly recommended and great quality material.

I posted all his videos here. 

Here, the two videos showing why the Card Strings is something everyone wants very much.

Card: Roland JD800 SL-JD80-04 Strings Ensemble Sound Card preset.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks to Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan.


Sound demo! Roland JD800 SL-JD80-07 Guitar Collection preset patches

The Guitar Collection card patches!

Our colleague Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan made a series of fantastic videos about all JD cards, highly recommended and great quality material.

I posted all his videos here.


All this cards have a lot of patches really interesting. 

Card: Roland JD800 SL-JD80-07 Guitar Collection.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks to Kozo Tsuji from Osaka, Japan.
