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quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2023

How to open the JD-800 without trouble

Gaining access to the internal parts of the JD-800 is a simple process but requires a little care.

Removing all screws may do your internal components fall.

You must remove only the screws AROUND the bottom and two screws in the center line, they are at 1/4 from side, and may be you can see a few bigger hole where thy fit to.

Sometimes the bottom have some "dust" acting like glue to.


How to remove the panel.
JD-800 Manual. (click to enlarge)
Source: Roland Co.

Ok? Good luck!


2 comentários:

  1. Hi. These instructions are incomplete. You forgot to tell people to remove the screws along the hinge aswell. Struggled for quite a while before realizing what was going on

    1. Thanks Robin for noticing this. I'll check again, I believe they are all shown in the photo in the article.
