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sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2010

Some frequently serviced parts

The Roland JD-800 and JD-990 sometimes will need repair and new parts.
Most often keybed and painel parts need replacement. 

Here the service manual pages with part numbers and the how-to´s.

Front Panel Switches Parts list

 (Click to enlarge image)
Image by mike.partington

How to remove individual keys

 (Click to enlarge image)  
Image by sensitivedragon

How to install individual keys

(Click to enlarge image) 
Image by sensitivedragon

Parts list and diagram of individual keyboard keys  

(Click to enlarge image) 
Image by sensitivedragon

The complete manual, with all part numbers are here: Manuals: Owner and Service - JD800 and JD990


segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010

How To Enter the JD-800 Internal Test Mode

Select Multi-Mode

Press and hold:

Cursor Left, Cursor Right and then Exit buttons.

When you enter Test mode, the right LCD show the current ROM version.

To choose the different tests press Exit and a Bank or Number Button.


From MATRIXSYNTH: Roland JD-800 in Fancy Dress

Another beautifull modified JD like a SCI Prophet-VS.

I found this at MATRIXSYNTH: Roland JD-800 in Fancy Dress. That´s a nice blog to everyone who love synths or are ready fall in love.

This was done by Customsynth.co.uk, the same company who made the "Gandalf , The White".

Edited:  More from this nice machine!

The nice people from Customsynth have more pics at flickr too.

See this and the Yellow one! It's a Waldorf and Lamborghini style!

 Click the link to the Flick album with all pics:

Customsynth at Flickr

Thanks for the great work! 


Great demo. Pressures, waves, tecno, the monster breath.

A very nice Roland JD-800 demo by Fischek.

Roland JD-800 and JD-990 Factory Reset

The factory reset function will clean all your editings and restore original internal memory.

Use with caution. If you do this by mistake, there´s no way to undo this action.

  • Press data transfer.
  • Page up to select factory preset.
  • Press yes

  • Hold exit and press utility.
  • Press F6.
  • Press F5. 

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

A short demo adjusting the cutoff frequency and resonance

Adjusting the cutoff freq and reso on the Roland JD-800 to create the background.

See more Youtube Synthspassed videos.

Roland JD-800: Some factory sounds

Another video from Retrosound.de with nice sound quality.
Someone told you Roland JD-800 and JD-990 are great for pads? Yes, but there are more than pads there.

Meanwhile, enjoy this samples from the factory sounds.