About the JD800Center ________ Tech Specifications ________ JD Manuals ________ Software and Patches ________Best JD Links ________Factory Sound Demos

Updates: Many topics are permanent, so may be updated to any material, for add or correct info.
Get more info: Since the beginning this site tryes to be a compilation center of the best sources for the JD800. Not a copy.
So please, visit the sites at the Links section for lots of much more very good information.

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010

Keep Your JD-800 Clean

Just be careful with the Roland JD-800, clean it very often. 

Dust in the sliders, button and circuits can provoke a typical JD-800 berzerk (auto-programming...). 

This effect is like a ghost acting in the synth. If you don´t use to change program while playing, turn off the banks edit mode. (just press bank A-b-C-D to light off and then save the patch.

You will also note, when some parameter is changed because dust, a "point" will light in the painel, like if you have done it.


Differences between JD-800 and JD-990

The Roland JD-990 is the Supermodule of the JD-800. 
It have extended capabilities and is a "big plus" to any setup.
I have seen many setups with more than one JD-990 in the rack. 
  1. Expanded wave ROM (6MB vs. 4MB)
  2. Ability to use a 8MB expansion board
  3. 4 additional outs
  4. True stereo engine
  5. Osc sync
  6. Cross-mod (FXM)
  7. Osc structures that allow ring mod and serial dual filters
  8. Additional LFO waveforms
  9. MIDI CC control of parameters
  10. Tempo-sync delay
  11. Polyphonic portamento
  12. Performance memories
  13. Additional multi-timbral slots
  14. One patch can keep full effects in multi mode
For the complete comments by Don Solaris and some DEMOS of the JD-990 visit: 
Don Solaris - Roland JD-990 info and synthesis examples
Thanks to Ian and Don Solaris for this part.
Be up to date with your JD-990: The nice people at the Roland_JD-990 Yahoo Group have very good material about it.

The Original Internal Sound Demos

Here’s how to hear the “ROM Play” demo songs built into the JD-800.

Each mode (Single/Multi) has one demo song.

Select Single mode Or Multi mode.
While holding EXIT, press INC/YES.

Press YNC/YES and playback will begin.
Press DEC/NO and playback will stop.

Press EXIT once again to return to Single mode.

* During ROM Play in the Single mode, the informations of phrases are appeared in the display.

* It is not possible to play the keyboard during ROM Play.
* The ROM Play data is not transmitted from MIDI OUT.


Bellow a record of the demo songs.

The sound files here are recording from the Roland JD-800 internal sound demos. Copyright  by Roland Co.

The JD-800 have two good internal demos, one for each mode (single or multi-timbral).

Server 2 
(Ok, at Google Docs)
Size Time
Single Mode 
Part 0 977 Kb 1:02
Single Mode 

Part 1 707 Kb 0:45
Single Mode 

Part 2 1097 Kb 1:10
Single Mode 

Part 3 641 Kb 0:40
Single Mode 

Part 4 566 Kb 0:36
Single Mode 

Part 5 533 Kb 0:33

Multi Mode 

Multi Demo 660 Kb 1:36

Note: This are 128kbps mp3 files, so I reduced the overall quality. I want upload better quality sound files, but have been short in time. Anyways, the sounds are great.

See the movies in the other posts. They have great samples of what great sounds this synth is capable.


SynthMania posted a nice video with the the 64 classic factory patches! Thanks!


sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2010

Links for other JD sites, stuff and foruns. Permanent list

The links are unordered. Some sites may requires translation like translate.google.com

1-Some sites may be no more available, so please notify me as my time is limited.
2-If you own a website with technical material (no sales promotion please) send me a message so I can add it here.

The two best foruns for the Roland JD-800 and JD-990:

  • JD-800_Tech Yahoo Group. This is a group covering technical, repair, performance, and programming aspects of the Roland JD-800 synthesizer. The group is active and the spammers removed.
  • Roland_JD-990 Yahoo Group. For all users of the Roland JD-990. This group is intended for the sharing of links, Useage info, Tips/tricks, & user patches.

Tact Switch Black - up/down, decr./incr
(replacement for 13169696)
vintageplanet.nl  - Parts Service for Vintage Synthesizer - They have parts for JD-800 and JD-990.

VintageSynth One of the most famous reference for every synth.

Harmony Central  This is one of the best site and foruns for musicians.

Polynominal JD-800 This guy have good tech specifications material and some JD800 stuff.

www.bluesynths.com A detailed guide to keyboards and their musical aspects by synth lovers. good stuff, very nice pictures and great sound demos (not the internals) of the JD-800!
They also have very interesting sound at their Myspace profile: Roland JD800 Long Mix.

SynthMania.com Information and Demos of Synthesizers. Great material or the Jd-990, sound demos for original and card patches . Must see and listen!

retrosound.de  Vintage Synthesizers Page.

synrise.de This site turned to pay mode, but have some o the best material about synths I have seen.

Don Solaris  A great musician and a JD-master with the JD-800 and JD-990. His site have some interesting and very usefull technical material.

Midiox Sysex utility program for sending/receiving bulk dumps from your synth (Win 9X.. and later.

Pro-Rec's JD-800 & jd-990 page  3rd party patches for your JD-990.

Sonicstate.com  Great synth site!

MatrixSynth Great everything synths blog!

Sonic Plug- Roland JD-990 Great tribute page to the JD-990.

http://www.synthzone.com Great synth tech info.

MEMI-Makers-Soundpool Free JD-990 Sounds.

Kid Nepro's Home page 3rd party patch creator/reseller. Good stuff, I have their demo for the 990 in the file section.

Dancetech.com  Good review.

JarreLook  Great Jean Michel Jarre Tribute Band from the UK.
If you want Jarre patches, see their download page for JD800 patches and other synths

JD-800.tripod.com  - Good info and description of the JD-800 Sound Libraries cards and waveforms.

Mark Smart have great material:

Bobby Blues JD800/JD990 page A vintage 80's-90's synthesizers site with a good JD area with synthesis description, collection of patches, links to the comercial patch sites, some examples of famous artists, etc.

Synthony Music´s Synth & Amp; Midi Museum

Dragonkiller  Good japanese page with links for more stuff, movies, etc.

Sysex Database Sysex messages for the JD and other synths.


quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2010

Roland JD-800 Filters and Aftertouch

Two videos by moretacos1. Visit is page at Youtube, there are lots of good material.

Mean while, I selected two:

Great Filters. Program or just move the sliders as you want.


Much more than the demo, much more than pads

If you want to listen some other uses of this synth, like playing some guitar leads and stuff like that then watch this until the end.

Roland JD-800 Synth Demostration, performed by S4K (Space4Keys)
Note: The the keys of his JD are broken, so he uses other keyboard as master controller.

Roland JD-800 and JD-990 Movies and great sounds at Youtube

Youtube have many movies with the Roland JD-800. Some have best sound qualiy, others not.

Remember, the JD-800 is a massive sound machine so don´t be cheated if some video have not all that quality we expect. Go after the best demos you can and use the best audio players, like headphones or good speakers.

Of course, the JD-800 is a fine top level synthesizer. You can listen to other machines, like the JD-990 module, or similar quality machines, like the Roland V-Synth and Phantom, the Korg Triton, the Nords, etc.

I will start with a good movie from that great people from Retrosound.de.

Vintage Roland JD-800 synth demo by RetroSound. See the machine in action. Some typical sounds from the Roland JD-800 Synthesizer. Not so good audio quality, but very impressive.

See more Youtube synth videos from Retrosound.

Next, two better audio demos:

Audio part I - Analog and digital type pad sounds:

Audio part II - Wow! Some of the JD like pads!: